Swisscom launches Room 2.0

Room 2.0 features a variety of web 2.0-based information and communication services responding directly to business travelers’ needs in hotels. Swisscom thus effectively reinvents the guest experience for those staying at one of its 2,300 partner hotels.

Swisscom’s new premium service is firmly based on guest insights gained from two major surveys that have been conducted over the last 12 months to better understand business traveler needs. Interviews with 1,100 hotel guests in five countries indicated that in terms of service customization, traditional Internet service falls short of guest expectations. In fact, hotels have to deal with four different emotions in each business traveler: their need to keep in touch with home and office, their desire to explore the city they have just arrived in, their need to relax and enjoy their stay and finally their wish to efficiently prepare their onward journey.

Putting these insights into practice, Room 2.0 proposes a range of customized services on top of unlimited data downloads and priority bandwidth.

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