Upcoming conference on design & sustainable innovation for smart cities

Invitation to the International Conference on Design & Sustainable Innovation for SmartCities
Nice (France)
8 December 2016
On the 8th December 2016, the CITYOPT project will host an international conference on Design and sustainable innovation for SmartCities, at the Centre Universitaire Méditerranéen, France. An open invitation to attend is offered to people and organisations who are interested in learning more about the smarter city solutions devised by CITYOPT in Nice, Helsinki and Vienna.
CITYOPT is a joint project by a consortium, who have been working together to pilot a set of applications and guidelines supporting efficient planning, detailed design and operation of energy systems in urban districts. CITYOPT addresses energy system optimization in different lifecycle phases, considering potential end user and stakeholder characteristics.
As a consortium member, Experientia has been a central part of the participatory nature of the project. Experientia’s role will be described in by Ilaria Monteverdi, an Experientia UX researcher and ethnographer, as she presents the Nice pilot program at the conference, discussing how participatory programs and smart meter apps can help to create a United Energy Economy. Experientia partner Jan-Christoph Zoels will also take part, in the closing session on the final day.
Places at the conference are still available.