User centric design session at b.TWEEN conference

The various sessions of the June 2008 b.TWEEN conference, “a unique cross media gathering where interactive ideas are seeded, shared and sold”, are now online. One of them dealt with user centric design:

Products designed without clear insight into end-user behaviour often end in failure.

The marketplace has changed. Buyers will no longer be told what to buy or how to act, they have little interest in the recommendation of advertisers and will openly share dissatisfaction with their peers.

Organisations that try to force old business models into this new marketplace are destined to fade away. Businesses and products have to be people-shaped or they will not survive this changing media scape.

This panel explored the relationship between the user and successful innovation. The conversation looked at the same coin from client side and supply side outlining the dangers and opportunities shared by small and large companies.

It explored case studies of interactive products and business models that have flourished or withered due to their understanding of the end user and the processes that led to them.

Speakers were Alex Morrison (managing director, Cogapp), Ann Longley (digital strategy director, Mediaedge:cia) and Brendan Dawes (creative director, magneticNorth).

(via Regine)

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