User-driven innovation in Denmark – an update

Some English language websites, blogs, articles and publications updating on what Denmark is doing on user-driven innovation:

Is Denmark a lead user of user driven innovation?
You might think so since the world’s first government sponsored user driven innovation program is to be found in Denmark. The program aims to strengthen the diffusion of methods for user driven innovation and to contribute to increased growth in the participating companies. It also aims to increase user satisfaction and/or increased efficiency in participating public institutions. Søren Tegen Pedersen is the Deputy Director at the administrative authority of the program.

NFBi – Network for Research-based Userdriven Innovation
The NFBi network was established with the aim of conveying knowledge of userdriven innovation. NFBi plays an active role in facilitating knowledge sharing and matchmaking between enterprises and knowledge environments with expertise in the field.

NFBi Case Study – new Product development in online communities (pdf)
By engaging user-designers and online communities in the new product development process, companies may be able to offer new value propositions, cut NPD cost and reduce the risk of market failure. This project identified the central needs, challenges and opportunities for companies and proposed an outline for a collaborative model, based on research from Copenhagen Business School, experience from Microsoft Dynamics and LEGO, and interviews with designers.

NFBi Case Study – User-driven Innovation with the Base of the Pyramid (pdf)
What is the difference between user-driven innovation in industrialised countries and in developing countries, and how to work with user-driven innovation together with the Base of the Pyramid?

Social responsibility is visible on the bottom-line (pdf)
A new study shows that companies will increase growth and profits when developing products, which target social and environmental challenges. New collaborative methods and innovation yield positive results for both Danish and international companies.
> Download case studies (pdf)

Project blog on user-driven innovation
Are you interested in how companies involve users in the innovation process? FORA is in the process of analysing how Scandinavian companies apply different methods in the area of user-driven innovation. This is carried out within the framework of the project: Concept Innovation with Users, which has been commissioned by the Nordic Innovation Center.

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