

The invisibility of ethnography

Tricia Wang reflects on the fact that ethnographic work is often invisible. One way to overcome this, she argues, is for ethnographers to find ways to visualize their work. Visuals make recommendations tangible and demonstrate the ethnographer’s value. This is…

Social computing

The Interaction-Design.org Foundation is a labour of love founded by Mads Soegaard in 2002, and in 2010, his wife, Rikke Dam, joined the project (and their exotic office on a semi-deserted island in Thailand). Apart from Rikke and Mads, hundreds…

Enabling codesign

The term co-design refers to a philosophical and political approach to design best applied throughout the design life cycle. Codesign builds on the methods and principles of Participatory Design which assumes ‘users’ are the experts of their own domain and…


  John Kolko reflects on design education and the importance of craftmanship in an article for Interactions Magazine. “Based on my experience reviewing portfolios from recent business school graduates, I would argue that one of the most fundamental failings of…

Smarter, better cyborgs

Instead of augmenting reality, we should make technology more aware, argues Christopher Butler in this article for Print Magazine. “Though an initial AR [Augmented Reality] experience can be thrilling, it quickly becomes clear, especially to visual thinkers, that AR is…

Sciences of human understanding

Dirk Knemeyer has published a call to rely on foundational science(s) to better understand users. “The preponderance of research and publications on user studies deal more with principals and practices of the discipline and less with understanding the users themselves,…