New WWF freshwater site
Over the last few months I have been working at an overhaul of the WWF Freshwater site. It was more of a content and editing job than a technical challenge and I am very pleased with the result. Go to…
Over the last few months I have been working at an overhaul of the WWF Freshwater site. It was more of a content and editing job than a technical challenge and I am very pleased with the result. Go to…
Over the last few months I have been working at an overhaul of the WWF Climate Change site. It was more of a content and editing job than a technical challenge and I am very pleased with the result. Go…
Technology has come a long way since the washing machine, but somewhere along the line it lost relevance to women. Now gadget makers are striving to win back the female market. Read full story
For a summer, Dev Patnaik and his team of researchers hung out with teens preparing to go away to college. Trained in anthropology and sociology, they observed while the teens and their parents shopped for the essentials of college…
The rise of weblogging has been a cold shower for the complacent mass communication industries. Although the weblogging pioneers are due much praise, their own rhetoric deserves examination, and they could also raise their sights higher. Nico Macdonald (blog) reports,…
Anthropologists have deserted the bush to study modern techno-man and how he’s adapting to a world of wild gadgets. Read full story
Designers look into the future to meet people’s needs. Design for Future Needs is a research project that discovered how their methods can help policy makers do the same. The 2002 project, run for the EC by a group of…
Suddenly, Microsoft cares. If you run a small business, this may be just what you’ve been waiting for. Many companies talk about getting close to the customer, but Microsoft pushed this idea to the extreme when it hired Nelle…