Co-leader of IDEO’s Consumer Experience Design Practice on how design can drive growth

Iain Roberts
“Creating a successful brand requires more than visually appealing products. A designer must also consider the holistic experience and contextual use of the product to attract consumers.”

This was the key message of Iain Roberts, co-leader of IDEO’s Consumer Experience Design Practice, speaking about “Persuading through Great Industrial Design” to students from marketing, communications, engineering and design as part of the 2006-2007 Yaffe Center for Persuasive Communication speaker series at the University of Michigan Ross School of Business.

IDEO is a global industrial design firm whose clients include AT&T, Eli Lilly, Intel, Kraft Foods, Motorola and Proctor & Gamble.

“Roberts identified three key elements of industrial design: Aesthetics (how the product looks), ergonomics (how it works) and manufacturing (how it is made). Mass production is what characterizes industrial design.

Aesthetics, ergonomics and manufacturing are combined with the human factors of empathy, experiences and connections, he said. The designer must consider the consumer’s needs (both expressed and unexpressed), desires and self-image.”

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One comment

  1. […] Nel suo intervento all’Università del Michigan Ross School of Business, Iain Roberts, co-direttore del gruppo IDEO Consumer Experience Design, sostiene che creare una marca di successo richieda molto più di un appeal visivo del prodotto: >strong>i designer dovrebbero considerare l’esperienza olistica ed il contesto d’uso per attrarre il consumatore, nonchè i bisogni del consumatore, i suoi desideri e l’immagine di sè. […]

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