Condé Nast Italy launches portal, based on Experientia input
Condé Nast Italy launched today, a fashion, lifestyle and entertainment portal for the young Italian woman.

The new portal upgrades the existing and very popular Vogue/Vanity and Glamour websites.

During the concept development and design of the portal, Experientia was intensely involved in providing its particular user testing and human-centred design focus.

The Experientia team concentrated first on better understanding the lifestyle and entertainment needs of the female readership, so that the new portal would be developed around their context, needs and aspirations, rather than be based on the assumptions the editorial team held about the interests of these women.

In particular, the team did a range of structured interviews, tests and card sorting exercises to arrive at these insights and to inform the information architecture.

They then coordinated the development of three click-through design prototypes that were used to gather feedback from end-users during user testing, in order to provide further input to the final design solution.

One comment

  1. […] Condè Nast Italy lancia, il portale per giovani donne realizzato sulla base degli input di Experientia. L’indagine condotta è stata concentrata dapprima sugli stili di vita e sulle necessità di intrattenimento delle lettrici; in seguito sono state realizzate interviste strutturate, test ed esercizi di card sorting; infine è stato testato l’uso di tre possibili prototipi al fine di rilevare utili feedback dai consumatori finali. In questo modo si è arrivati alla definizione di un portale che rispondesse alle necessità ed aspirazioni delle lettrici, anzichè su assunti aprioristici.   Scrivi un commento […]

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