Customer-centered experience design: creating loyalty in an experience economy

Cord Woodruff, director of human factors engineering at Definition 6, an Atlanta, Georgia-based eBusiness and IT consultancy, has published a long and in-depth article (part 1, 2, 3, 4) on customer-centered experience design on TechLinks, a web platform for the Georgia technology industry.

Or so I thought.

Until Jesse James Garrett, president of Adaptive Path, pointed me to the original article “Customer Loyalty and the Elements of User Experience” (pdf, 332 kb, 6 pages), published last winter in the Design Management Review, and obviously substantially plagiarised by Woodruff.

Such practices are not only unethical, but also extremely counterproductive, as it doesn’t take much for the truth to appear. After all, what happens in Atlanta, GA quickly reaches San Francisco, CA, via Torino, Italy if need be.


  1. […] Cord Woodruff (Definition6), esperto di fattori umani, ha pubblicato un lungo articolo sulla progettazione dell’esperienza centrata sull’utente di TechLinks, una piattaforma web. Ma Jesse James Garrett, presidente di Adaptive Path, mi ha fatto notare come l’articolo di Woodruff sia sostanzialmente un plagio di una >pubblicazione dello stesso Garrett.   Scrivi un commento […]

  2. I want to apologize again for this incident. I am Michael Kogon, the CEO of Definition 6, and Cord Woodruff no longer works for me. I found out about the incident within 1 week of it being published and within 4 hours we retracted the entire article. I have been in direct communications with Mr. Garrett and let him know it was not a practice of ours and to accept my apology. He did! We even got the chance to share a grin at Mix 07′ in Vegas this year. I believe we are all good and I appreciate the vigilance that the community shows when protecting one another’s work. We all need to watch out for each other.

    Best regards,

    Michael Kogon
    Definition 6
    Atlanta, GA

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