Daily reporting from the UPA annual conference

Over the next few days I will post daily reports from the annual conference of the Usability Professionals’ Association (UPA) in Austin, Texas. Experientia partner Michele Visciola, is there, as well as Jakob Biesterfeldt (User Interface Design, Germany) and Robert Gillham (Amberlight, UK), companies that Experientia works frequently with.

Amberlight (UK) and User Interface Design (UID) are founding members of the International Usability Partners (IUP). The IUP are a network of independent usability companies who provide usability services worldwide, based on a common understanding of best-of-class quality and methodology.

The full partnership has collaborated on Jakob’s and Robert’s conference paper “Guidelines for Successful Recruiting in International Usability Studies” exchanging experiences from numerous usability studies across borders, cultures and languages. Their ideas on successful recruiting in international usability studies are available here. The paper will be presented on Thursday, 1:30 pm.

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