LEGO Serious Play: a tool to enhance innovation and business performance

LEGO Serious Play
Playful learning is going to be a very important people-centred design theme in the near future, and LEGO seems to have understood:

“LEGO Serious Play is an innovative, experiential process designed to enhance innovation and business performance. Based on research that shows that this kind of hands-on, minds-on learning produces a deeper, more meaningful understanding of the world and its possibilities, LEGO Serious Play is an efficient, practical and effective process that works for everyone within an organization.”

“LEGO Serious Play uses LEGO bricks and elements and a unique method where people are empowered to “think through their fingers” – unleashing insight, inspiration and imagination.”

Visit the LEGO Serious Play website

One comment

  1. […] Imparare giocando diventerà un sempre più importante tema per il design centrato sull’utente. E la LEGO sembra aver capito la questione, con il progetto Serious Play, che ha lo scopo di stimolare l’innovazione nelle aziende. Si basa sullo spingere le persone a “pensare con le dita” usando mattoncini LEGO, al fine di liberare la creatività e l’inspirazione. […]

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