New Master in UX in Rome, Italy – But only part-time and one year

Master UX
The La Sapienza University in Rome is organising the first User Experience Master for students who already have a previous degree.

Although a highly laudable initiative, this part-time programme points to an important gap, since Italy really needs a full-time, two year masters programme in UX to address the changing nature of the profession. The proliferation of 1 year or part time masters will not address adequately the lack of skilled user experience designers in Italy.

Below some information in Italian:

Il Master di II livello UX-User Experience promuove un approccio al design di ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) centrato sullo studio degli utenti reali, sull’individuazione dei loro bisogni, delle pratiche e dei significati che guidano le loro azioni nei contesti di uso quotidiano.

Il Master avrà  una durata di 12 mesi e si svolgerà  nelle giornate di venerdì e sabato per un totale di 12 ore settimanali.

L’iscrizione al Master è stata limitata a 24 studenti, per garantire adeguate possibilità  di collaborazione all’interno dei gruppi di lavoro, e chiude il 21 novembre 2011.

Il Master insegnerà  conoscenze e competenze di tipo teorico, metodologico e pratico all’interno di 4 ambiti disciplinari:
– User Experience
– Ergonomia cognitiva
– Design (strategic design, communication design, design for all)
– Sistemi interattivi

La didattica sarà  quindi diviso in formazione teorica-pratica per acquisire le conoscenze necessarie e in workshop per tradurre i concetti teorici in esperienze reali e tangibili;

Infatti il Consiglio Didattico Scientifico del Master sta stringendo accordi con aziende e enti di settore per poter permettere agli studenti di lavorare in team interdisciplinari su mission concrete assegnate dai partner del Master.

One comment

  1. Hi! let me first thank you for publishing the info and for giving me the chance of replying to your remarks.
    I’m directing the UX Master Course and mainly I do agree with the need of a prolonged training in the field.
    The MasterUX is a first step (as a matter of fact it’s the first time that UX appears in isntitutional training in Italy), and we do aim ad doing more.
    We also aim at stranghtening the connections between ethnographic research and methods developed in academia and the experience students should gain in enterprises.
    So: this is an invitation to you in Experientia to join our network and come collaborating to our students training, as others are already commmitted in helping us.
    let’s make a common effort to develop UX culture at best!

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