Category Business

Alcatel-Lucent podcasts on user trends and millennials

Podtech has published a number of audio interviews with senior staff of Alcatel-Lucent on their thinking about user-centric experience, as it informs their applications and solutions. Exploiting end-user trends to create value with sticky services – The “Me” network for…

Danish programme for user-driven innovation

The Danish programme for user-driven innovation (English summary) aims to strengthen the diffusion of methods for user-driven innovation, and to contribute to increased growth in the participating companies, and to increased user satisfaction and/or increased efficiency in participating public institutions.…

Recent immigrants driving advanced mobile phone use, both in Europe and in the US

Last year, The Economist published an article about ethnographic user research at Swisscom. One of the findings it highlighted was that immigrant workers are the most advanced users of communications technology: “It is migrants, rather than geeks, who have emerged…