Category Americas
Mobile computing in high-end retail
As mobile computing becomes increasingly popular in the fashion retail industry, challenges emerge pertaining to usability, system tailoring, and enhancing the manager-client user experience. These issues were addressed at LA Promotion (a facility where selected clients can acquire products three…
Steelcase launches healthcare focused organisation
In today’s high-tech dating world, roses are often read
In this age of high-speed instant communication, the manner in which potential lovers interact is a complicated, tiered system that has reconfigured the way we court. Gone are the days when potential paramours exchange phone numbers and contemplate too long…
Mayo Clinic’s SPARC lab gets physicians to think like designers
Digital kids series
Creating the jobs of the future [International Herald Tribune]
Senior citizens not big users of cell phones, even for emergencies
New report on the relationship between teens, technology and society
How Americans use their cell phones [Pew / Internet]
Brick by brick: Lego’s new building blocks [Fast Company]
“The next big thing is us” or Time Magazine’s take on what’s next
Business Innovation Insider reports on the cover story in this week’s TIME Magazine which looks at cutting-edge developments in nearly every sphere of human endeavor, including politics, technology, sports, medicine and fashion: There’s one unifying theme here: “We are on…
Designing for Stanford’s d-school
Michigan Governor talks design and innovation [Business Week]
Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm tells Corporate Design Foundation Chairman Peter Lawrence about her plan to make the state the innovation capital of the U.S. At the very start of the interview, she outlines a user-centred vision of design: “To me,…
Growing numbers surf the web just for fun
More than ever, people are getting on the Internet to hang out or just blow off some time, a study by the Pew Internet & American Life Project said Wednesday. Some 40 million Americans said they go online just for…
Funding invention versus managing innovation [Business Week]
This Business Week article by John Hagel and John Seely Brown focuses mainly on an American context, but many of its points could easily be applied to government policies on innovation elsewhere: “In the West, we still confuse invention with…
Developing Leaders for Innovation
Developing Leaders for Innovation is the name of a new minisite of the Chicago-based Institute of Design, with many examples of their work. The site is particularly interesting because it describes some user experience design tools and processes, such as…
Innovation tour of America for Indian executives with an emphasis on customer-centred approach
Innovation consulting firm BrainReactions LLC is now offering six-day “innovation tours” of America for Indian executives, with the first of these tours scheduled to take place in early April. Each Innovation Trip combines a mix of hands-on workshops, meet-and-greets with…
How women and men use the internet
According to a just released report by the Pew Internet & American Life Project, women are catching up to men in most measures of online life. Men like the internet for the experiences it offers, while women like it for…
Improving the aging experience
The Center for Aging Services Technologies (CAST) is leading the United States’ charge to develop and deploy emerging technologies that can improve the aging experience in America. Established in 2003, CAST has become a national coalition of more than 400…