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BMW reports on the secret life of cars
Rich ethnographic reports about the uses of ICT in low-income communities
The UK Department for Development has published a long study, written by a number of researchers from British and Australian Universities, about the social and economic benefits of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in low-income communities in Jamaica, India, South…
Nicolas Nova talk now on Google Video
User-driven innovation in Denmark and Finland
Barcelona_London: comparing, contrasting and challenging two urban success stories
Today the UK think tank Demos launches a new collection of essays produced with Catalan think tank Fundació Ramon Trias Fargas comparing and contrasting the two urban success stories of London and Barcelona. The report, called BCN_LDN 2020, explores how…
Citizen media: a progress report
Publicly funded culture and the creative industries
Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design launches with pilot Masters programme
Segnaloitalia: a social network for tourism in Italy
Bruno Giussani on how free talk services lead to surprising user creativity
Slides available of talk by Nicolas Nova in Turin
Financial Times editorial on how users are transforming innovation
Event highlights of Torino 2008 World Design Capital
Danish telecom provider TDC involves users in future product development
Unlocking Innovation – why citizens hold the key to public service reform
From climate change to social care, innovation will be critical to meeting the public service challenges of the future. But traditional approaches to generating new ideas will not be enough. Rather than focusing on processes and pipelines, policymakers and service…
IBM says healthcare is “driving under the influence of terrible interfaces”
Finland moves towards ubiquitous information society
European designers to meet in World Design Capital to promote usability and design
(Bloomingdale, IL: July 6, 2007) – The first European regional conference of the Usability Professionals’ Association (UPA) will take place in Torino, Italy, named the 2008 World Design Capital. Hundreds of designers and usability specialists are expected to attend. “The…