Category Foresight
In a wired South Korea, robots will feel right at home [The New York Times]
Transitioning to a new model of healthcare
The surveillance society
We Media: creating a better-informed society by collaborating with one another
The WE Media Global Forum is a conference that brings together “the trailblazers of the connected society – the thinkers, innovators, investors, executives and activists seeking to tap the potential of digital networks connecting people everywhere”, or in short “how…
Forbes special report on communicating
What you’ll wear in 10 years [Wired Magazine | Forbes]
Nature Magazine on the future of computing
Arup’s trend cards
“The next big thing is us” or Time Magazine’s take on what’s next
Business Innovation Insider reports on the cover story in this week’s TIME Magazine which looks at cutting-edge developments in nearly every sphere of human endeavor, including politics, technology, sports, medicine and fashion: There’s one unifying theme here: “We are on…
The future of television [The Guardian]
How the masses will innovate [Business Week]
Bruce Sterling on the internet of things
What do European businesses and citizens think of widespread RFID use?
Wi-fi set to re-wire social rules [BBC]
Once the net becomes ubiquitous like power and water, it had the potential to be “transformative”. The divide that separates people from their online lives will utterly disappear. Instead of leaving behind all those net-based friends and activities when you…
You can’t understand the future without demographics
Futurist Andrew Zolli, founder of Z + Partners, reflects in a Fast Company feature on the future demographics of society. The composition of a society–whether its citizens are old or young, prosperous or declining, rural or urban–shapes every aspect of…
Half of American children obese by 2010, 38% of European ones [AP]
Associated Press reports that according to a study published in the International Journal of Pediatric Obesity, rates of childhood obesity are expected to skyrocket in the coming years, with half of the children in North and South America obese by…
Publicis Groupe launches Denuo, a new futures practice
Publicis Groupe has set up a new digital venture – a standalone consultancy to help clients, and their budgets, leave behind traditional advertising and move toward digital, interactive and mobile media. Publicis Groupe, the international advertising and media conglomerate, has…
Gain, the relaunched AIGA journal of business and design
AIGA, the professional association for design, has just relaunched its Gain journal, dedicated to stimulating thinking at the intersection of design and business. The launch issue contains a huge amount of material (no less than 30 articles) organised in such…
Advertising 2.0
What everybody in advertising, marketing and media should know about the technologies that are reshaping their business. What’s the effect of an advertising campaign, in a world where every consumer has instant access to all hard data about any given…