Category Methods
Third generation Living Labs: the quest for user-centred mobile services
Faced with a context of a vast and still growing supply of relatively cheap and effective information and communications technology (ICT) and stimulated demand for new solutions to achieve mobility, even seamless mobility, Prof Jan Annerstedt and Sascha Haselmayer raise…
The Economist on mobile telephony and banking
“Most South Africans do not have bank accounts. But most do have mobile phones,” writes The Economist today in a story about mobile telephony and banking with a particular focus on Africa. “About half a million South Africans now use…
Knowledge@Wharton on getting to the heart of the customer
Book: Worldchanging – A User’s Guide for the 21st Century
“A new book—an outgrowth of a popular Web site—focuses on simple and complex innovations that could solve global crises,” writes Reena Jana in Business Week. “The three-year-old Web site has quickly established itself as a source for original, sophisticated…
Launching event: European Network of Living Labs
Interfaces for people, not products [UX matters]
“The digitising of information, the rapid rise of digital information systems, and increased access to those systems by a broad range of people have challenged the way in which we look at specialists and the roles they play”, writes Jonathan…
Whitepaper: Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture
The wisdow of the few: web sites eye vast number of users to identify experts
‘Presence’ technology building cell phones to anticipate your mind
Hybrid journalism: mixing pros and amateur-generated content
Style, function and the imperfect cellphone [International Herald Tribune]
Innovative user interface design [uiGarden]
We Are Smarter Than Me
MacArthur launches $50 million digital media and learning initiative
Interview with Jan Chipchase of Nokia Research
Designing a zero impact trade fair
Closed systems leave song buyers out in the cold [USA Today]
EU project to make the smart home more user-friendly
“Smart homes have been talked about for decades, but beyond a few concept houses and a few gadget-happy homeowners, little has been achieved in making them a bricks-and-mortar reality,” reports the EU’s IST Results website. “The TEAHA project team plans…