Category Methods

Enabling codesign

The term co-design refers to a philosophical and political approach to design best applied throughout the design life cycle. Codesign builds on the methods and principles of Participatory Design which assumes ‘users’ are the experts of their own domain and…

Sciences of human understanding

Dirk Knemeyer has published a call to rely on foundational science(s) to better understand users. “The preponderance of research and publications on user studies deal more with principals and practices of the discipline and less with understanding the users themselves,…

BlackBerry Future Visions

Research in Motion seems to have commissioned a pair of videos envisioning portable technology in the not-so-distant future, writes PocketNow: specifically, they focus on interactions among employees, or between employees and customers, and how portable devices play a role in…

The many meanings of ethnography

  Ethnography, Ethnography or Ethnography? What Happens When the Same Word Means Different Things to Different People? is the title of a new paper on ethnography by Sasanka Prabhala, Daria Loi and Subhashini Ganapathy of Intel. This paper discusses how…