Hopes and fears on the future of mobile
Nokia’s Charlie Schick shares with us his hopes and fears on the future of mobile. He is probably right on all of them. (via Rudy De Waele)
Nokia’s Charlie Schick shares with us his hopes and fears on the future of mobile. He is probably right on all of them. (via Rudy De Waele)
Vodafone has just published the 14th issue of Receiver, its online magazine on the future of communications technologies. The current edition is devoted to applicability issues in mobile services: how can we work, learn, cooperate and know better using mobiles?…
Backpackers in Australia often wish to organise group activities, but have few collaboration methods available and only a trickle of communication is possible between them as they move. They regularly explore unfamiliar locations quickly, but have only basic resources to…
A challenge to the traditional view that new technology will widen inequality in the future comes from the UK Government’s Social Exclusion Unit. The new report shows how technology is already improving life chances and public service delivery, and is…
Schulze & Webb are working with Chris Heathcote of Nokia’s Insight Foresight Group to develop experimental prototypes to explore personalisation in mobile phones. This project blog discusses their work. There are three overlapping strands in the project: craft, hacking and…
Nokia today announced its intention to opening several Nokia Flagship Stores in “shopping capitals of the world.” The first Nokia Flagship store opened today in the prestigious Pushkin Square district of Moscow, Russia. In addition to generating sales, a…
A recent interview with Marko Ahtisaari is now online at the Danish Design Center’s web portal. Ahtisaari is the Director of Design Strategy at Nokia and Sebastian Campion talked to him just before his presentation at the Ars Electronica conference…
Future Perfect is the blog of Jan Chipchase, who works in the User Experience Group at Nokia Research. He defines it as a blog “about the collision of people, society and technology, drawing on issues related to the user research…
MuLiMob is an EU financed multi-partner project aimed at using Europe’s linguistic and cultural diversity as hallmark to bolster the mobile market. MuLiMob will review and analyse elements to be changed, fine-tuned and solved in order to develop wireless applications…
The Usability Professionals’ Association (UPA) just published the inaugural issue of the Journal of Usability Studies, a UPA peer-reviewed, on-line journal dedicated to “promoting and enhancing the practice, research, ethics and education of usability engineering”. A great positive is…
Since recently Nokia publishes Usability eUpdate, a monthly newsletter completely focused on mobile usability and user experience. – June issue – August issue – September issue – October issue – Click here to subscribe. It is developed by the…
Plugged into it all From Japanese girls texting their friends to the BlackBerry-armed executive, it’s now who you are connected to, not who you know. But does this mean greater freedom or loss of control? Failed to fly Why do…
Men keep their texts short and snappy while women have seized on the mobile as a new way of expressing support and affection, according to sociologists at Sheffield Hallam University. But the researchers [also] found that women also used the…
Ease of use determines take-up of mobile data services. This is the most prominent conclusion of the Action Engine Worldwide Mobile Usability Study, a first annual worldwide study on the usability of mobile data services and application delivery, as reported…
From wireless rat-catchers to search engines, from gambling specialists to e-mail developers, British companies are leading European innovation in the mobile phone industry, taking over the center of gravity in cellular entrepreneurship from the Nordic countries, many in the…
Newly published research shows little interest among consumers for watching television on their mobile phones. Fewer than one in five of the 1,500 UK consumers questioned in a recent poll said that they wanted to watch TV on their mobile…
Samsung just posted the second edition of its lifestyle and innovation magazine DigitAll. While the first issue had a more open attitude than similar initiatives of competitors (e.g. Nokia, Motorola), by reflecting on the strategies of other companies, including Adidas…
Ms. Ito says older generations have a lot to learn from how the rising generation is taking up these new technologies — sometimes adults don’t recognize that young people are developing innovative uses for technologies. “I see my work as…
Régine Debatty of we-make-money-not-art just posted about the A1 Lounge in Vienna, a new store concept EOOS created for mobile phone company Mobilkom Austria. “The most tangible thing in the mobile phone business is the signed contract – a sheet…
Nokia has updated its “culture of mobility” online magazine with a feature on mobile imaging. It is in their words, “an exploration of the creation, and creatives, behind the trend that’s reinventing the media landscape.”