Category Internet of Things

Why wearables should be free

Companies shouldn’t just give out wearables for free; they should pay users for data, argues Hans Neubert, frog’s chief creative officer. “Owners of wearable technology, like the upcoming Apple Watch or Microsoft Band, are the most vital part of the…

The epistemology of Big Data

In addressing the insecurities of postmodern thought, Big Data falls prey to some of the same issues of interpretation, writes Michael Pepi in The New Enquirer. More in particular, Pepi points out that “the conditions that generated postmodernism were an…

Ergonomics in the digital age

In this age of ubiquitous computing, what exactly are we doing to our bodies, asks Avinash Rajagopal in a highly recommended piece in Metropolis Magazine: “Today, our fingers are furiously swiping and typing, our shoulders are hunched, our spines are…