Wired economics

Nokia’s Ideas Project published a feature story on why technology may be making money superfluous. “We’re entering a time in which products are expected to give themselves over as platforms for innovation and reinvention. Even money, something we tend to think of as absolute, seems…

Humin – because innovation is a human business

Experientia is proud to announce the official launch of Humin, a programme developed for Flemish SMEs and start‐ups that creates competitive advantage through people-centred innovation. In May-June last year Experientia (in collaboration with Richard Eisermann of Prospect and Tjeu Arits of Arits Consulting) worked intensively…

New media practices in China, Korea, India, Brazil, Japan and Ghana

  The blog series on New Media Practices in International Contexts, which I announced in January, is now complete. It covers the unique characteristics of digital media user behaviours in very different socio-cultural contexts of China, Korea, India, Brazil, Japan and Ghana, with a particular…

Human-centred design for sustainable development on an urban scale

The built environment is now the largest negative factor in the stability of ecosystems and the climate. As populations become increasingly urbanized, the evolution of cities will largely shape the outcome of our long dependence on natural resources. Recognising the need and opportunity to improve…

Business Innovation Factory launches Student Experience Lab

The non-profit Business Innovation Factory (BIF) yesterday launched a new laboratory to enable innovation in higher education. The lab will support the design of solutions that increase college attainment levels, enhance the college student experience and improve the quality and effectiveness of the U.S. higher…

The wisdom of community

In an article on A List Apart, Derek Powazek explores what it means to connect the ideas of James Surowiecki, expressed in his book The Wisdom of Crowds, to the social web where, he says, they can reach their full potential. “The Wisdom of Crowds…

The poverty of user-centered design

Andrew Dillon, dean of the School of Information (“iSchool”) at the University of Texas, writes on his blog InfoMatters that he finds “the term ‘user-centered’ to have little real meaning anymore”, since “truly understanding the user seems beyond both established methods and established practices.” “The…

NESTA’s Age Unlimited project

NESTA, the UK Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts, just announced that it has undertaken research which leads it to believe the UK is unprepared for ageing. Just under a third of all pensioners live on or close to the poverty line and twelve…

Is Interaction Design a dead-end job?

Tim McCoy of Cooper thinks it is, at least as a service offering and a career path. “IDEO’s Bill Moggridge made a comment last week after a screening of Objectified that hit close to home. To paraphrase, he said interaction design has become pervasive, that…

Social networking sites as business tools

anthrodesign is a Yahoo! group of (currently 1693) individuals interested in the role of applied anthropology in the corporate, public sector, and medical contexts. A recent contribution by Russ Nelson of Conifer Research is worth reproducing here: Enough adults now have profiles on social networking…