

Recent immigrants driving advanced mobile phone use, both in Europe and in the US

Last year, The Economist published an article about ethnographic user research at Swisscom. One of the findings it highlighted was that immigrant workers are the most advanced users of communications technology: “It is migrants, rather than geeks, who have emerged…

CHI 2008: a selection on emerging markets

Here is my selection on emerging markets related papers presented at CHI 2008. (Papers are linked to their pdf downloads, if available) Re-placing faith: reconsidering the secular-religious use divide in the United States and Kenya [abstract] Authors: Susan P. Wyche…

CHI 2008: a selection on mobile banking

Here is my selection on mobile banking related papers presented at CHI 2008. (Papers are linked to their pdf downloads, if available.) From meiwaku to tokushita!: lessons for digital money design from Japan [abstract] Authors: Scott Mainwaring (Intel Research), Wendy…

CHI 2008: a selection on social applications

Here is my selection on papers related to social applications presented at CHI 2008. (Papers are linked to their pdf downloads, if available.) Ambient social tv: drawing people into a shared experience [abstract] Authors: Gunnar Harboe, Crysta J. Metcalf, Frank…