

Book: Putting Citizens First

Putting Citizens First Engagement in Policy and Service Delivery for the 21st Century Evert A. Lindquist, Sam Vincent and John Wanna Australian National University – Co-published with ANZSOG August 2013, 220 pages Free pdf (alternative link) This book explores the…

Book: Interactive Visualization

Interactive Visualization: Insight through Inquiry By Bill Ferster The MIT Press, 2012 ISBN-10: 0262018152, ISBN-13: 978-0262018159 (Amazon link) Abstract Interactive visualization is emerging as a vibrant new form of communication, providing compelling presentations that allow viewers to interact directly with…

BBC R&D launched the UX Research Partnership

Some weeks ago the BBC announced the BBC User Experience Research Partnership, a long-term collaboration project between BBC Research and Development (BBC R&D) and leading UK universities in the fields of User Experience and Human Computer Interaction research. The academic…

The web giants pumping us for data

As society becomes more networked, the information available to the Googles, Amazons and Facebooks of this world will increase exponentially. “As society becomes more and more networked, and as the so-called “internet-of-things” evolves, the amounts of data available to be…

eBook: Rethinking UX

Rethinking UX Formats: PDF, EPUB, Kindle (DRM-free) Pages: 62 Language: English Released: August 2013 Publisher: Smashing Magazine GmbH Abstract In “Rethinking UX”, various UX professionals share their lessons learned and provide practical advice from their very own personal experience. The…