

Make your users do the work

“Make your users do the work< ” is the not very people-centred title of a guest piece by Nir Eyal on Techcrunch. He argues that putting users to work is critical in creating products people love, and he has a…

Awesome experiences make us nicer

New research by published in the journal Psychological Science shows that awe-inspiring moments can literally make time seem to stand still, or at least slow down. That feeling improves our mental health since many people often feel time-deprived in this…

Making sense of the cross channel experience

In this short essay, Jon Fisher of UK consultancy Nomensa presents some introductory thoughts about Nomensa’s framework for ”sense making in cross channel design”. In particular, he demonstrates a potential method for visualising the information space from which understanding can…

Debate on the UXPA name change

At the beginning of June, the Usability Professionals Association (UPA) announced that from now on it would be known as the User Experience Professionals Association (UXPA). This didn’t go unnoticed, and UX publisher Louis Rosenfeld reacted to this news with…

Co-design in innovation

In a short post on the Huffington Post blog, author Soren Petersen describes how co-design – when firms and non-design users jointly design business and product offerings – is seen as a potential new avenue for breakthrough innovation in design.…

Book: This is Service Design Thinking

This is Service Design Thinking: Basics – Tools – Cases Edited by Marc Stickdorn and Jakob Schneider BIS Publishers, 2011 376 pages (Amazon link) This is Service Design Thinking outlines a contemporary approach for service innovation. Service design and design…

The Machine and The Ghost

Moralizing Technology: Understanding and Designing the Morality of Things Peter-Paul Verbeek University of Chicago Press, 2011 183 pages (Amazon link) Christine Rosen has written a very long and excellent book review / reflection in The New Republic on the recent…

The psychology of content design

In a long article Jonathan Cutrell talks about a strategy for creating content that revolves around its portability to multiple scenarios, devices, and access frames, and particularly about creating content that taps into multiple strong consumer motivations, and is consequently…