Category Teens
KPMG on how digital media are affecting work, play and relationships across Europe
MySpace faces stiff competition in Japan [AP]
Yuri Kageyama (blog), AP Business writer, reports: Visit Japan’s top social-networking site, the 8-million-strong “Mixi,” and you’ll see prim, organised columns and boxes of stamp-size photos – not the flashy text and teen-magazine-like layout of its American counterpart, The…
Kids, the internet and the end of privacy: the greatest generation gap since rock and roll [New York Magazine]
Internet boom in China is built on virtual fun [International Herald Tribune]
Two-thirds of Brits use just 4 functions on their phones [Cellular News]
Futurist John Seely Brown: To fix education, think Web 2.0
Students’ new best friend: ‘MoSoSo’ [Christian Science Monitor]
UK think tank Demos on education for a digital generation
Vodafone’s Receiver magazine on gaming and playing
Book: Mobile Communications and Society
Mobile Communication and Society: A Global Perspective Manuel Castells, Mireia Fernandez-Ardevol, Jack Linchuan Qiu and Araba Sey Published by the MIT Press How wireless technology is redefining the relationship of communication, technology, and society around the world–in everyday work and…
European Market Research Event – Day 2, afternoon
Mike Spang, Kodak Mike Spang has the long job title: “Business Research Director, Document Imaging, Corporate Business Research, Eastman Kodak Company”. He spoke about how Kodak went about creating a satisfying global corporate web experience. To put it in somewhat…
Goodbye, mobile phone bills. Hello, advertising. [International Herald Tribune]
Pitching itself as the world’s first advertising-supported phone company, a Finnish company called Blyk plans to roll out a free mobile phone service next summer aimed at 16- to 24-year- olds, first in Britain and then elsewhere in Europe, writes…