Category HCD / UXD
Co-creation and the one-percenters
MIT is to make Denmark world champion in user driven innovation
User-generated future for gaming [BBC]
At museums: invasion of the podcasts [New York Times]
“Experience design is about the way a person experiences a brand”
Tech speak confuses everyday audience [Digital Web Magazine]
Major usability and accessibility initiative launched in the UK [BBC]
Firms turn R&D on its head, looking outside for ideas [Boston Globe]
Defeating feature fatigue [Harvard Business Review]
The aim of simplicity [Christian Science Monitor]
Thumb Culture: The Meaning of Mobile Phones for Society (Book)
Stanford conference ponders world with machines more powerful than their creators
When the new old are eternal youths
How to build a better product – study people [PC Magazine]
PC Magazine just published a long feature story on how anthropology is moving into the corporation. Product development has historically been predicated on a “build it and they will come” basis. But times are changing, consumer choice is increasing and…
Customer Experience is an organisational challenge, suggests business school research
Trendwatching report on businesses and co-creation
Design as play
Usability: it ain’t easy [TelecomAsia.Net]
With more advanced services rolling out across the planet, ease-of-use is becoming crucial to their success, but today’s user interfaces aren’t quite cutting it. Solving that will be a complex task, but the place to start is the users –…