Category HCD / UXD

Book: Mobile Technologies – From Telecommunications to Media

Mobile Technologies – From Telecommunications to Media Editors: Gerard Goggin; Larissa Hjorth ISBN: 978-0-415-98986-2 (hardback) 978-0-203-88431-7 (electronic) Series: Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies Google preview Summary In light of emerging forms of software, interfaces, cultures of uses, and…

35 Picnic conference videos

On Vimeo you can find no less than 35 videos of the Picnic conference. They are great. My personal favourites (quite a few): Jim Stolze: The virtual happiness project “Virtual Happiness” is a research project that aims to provide insights…

Two Experientia/Vodafone workshops at the upcoming LIFT conference

Experientia, in collaboration with the Vodafone User Experience team, is running two workshops on 25 February at the upcoming LIFT conference to present the results of two recent projects and explore their impact. KashKlash: exchanging the future Join us for…