Category Design
Forbes special report on communicating
What you’ll wear in 10 years [Wired Magazine | Forbes]
Open up or shut up. The necessity of open marketing [Always On]
Open marketing assumes your customers are smarter than you, at every stage of the business process, from product build to post-sale service. "We have embarked on the maiden voyage of the open marketing revolution. From RSS to blogs, from podcasts…
Ethnographic survey on how 3G mobile phone use ‘change social habits’ [BBC]
Going more public: situated display design in a care setting through co-realisation
London Business School studies experience economy
Creative communities: a bottom-up perspective on welfare and local development
Peter Morville presentation on ambient findabilility at SXSW
The shape of robots to come [The New York Times]
Gadgets and the consequences of their design
Design Studies journal has user focus
Man versus machine in newsreader war [Wired News]
Going off the beaten path for new design ideas [The New York Times]
Designing for Stanford’s d-school
“Value creation through experience” executive course
Wireless networking baffles some customers [Reuters]
Jim Wicks on weaving design into Motorola’s fabric
Design for social justice
The role of ethnographic research in driving technology innovation – Lessons from Inside Asia
In a story in Pakistan’s Daily Times, Bill Siu (whom I presume to be an Intel Vice-President), shares some of the insights gained from Intel’s ethnographic research in Asia. The Inside Asia project team, led by Dr Genevieve Bell [which…