Category Foresight

The Internet in 2020

A new report on the future of the internet, based on interviews of nearly 900 internet stakeholders and critics, conducted by the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project and the Imagining the Internet Center at Elon University, created…

Report: Booting up mobile health

Mobile health is emerging at the intersection of dynamic changes in mobility patterns, health care delivery, and new mobile technologies and networks. New technologies and the services they enable will be just one piece of a larger strategy for engaging…

Mobile experts on 2020 trends

Rudy De Waele, co-founder of dotopen, invited a number of mobile experts — including Howard Rheingold, Douglas Rushkoff, Katrin Verclas, Willem Boijens, Fabien Girardin, Timo Arnal and Nicolas Nova — to write down their five most significant trends for the…

Identifying emerging trends at Nokia

Nokia, the world’s biggest mobile phone maker, faces increasing competition from the likes of Apple and Google Android. Identifying emerging trends and building new technologies could be key to cementing its future, reports Claudine Beaumont, technology editor of the Daily…

Nokia on life among the clouds

Nafid Imran Ahmed of the Bangladeshi newspaper The Daily Star was just at “The Way We Live Next 3.0” event in Helsinki and reports on the company’s vision of the future: “Nokia, the world leader in mobility, gave me an…