Category Foresight

Human plus Machine

In the next ten years, smart machines will enter virtually every domain of our lives, including assisting doctors during surgery, fighting on battlefields, building things in factories, and assisting in classrooms, nursing homes, and offices. As machines augment and replace…

Beyond the cubicle

Allison Arieff talks in her New York Times Opinionator blog about the design of work. Paraphrasing Nathan Shedroff, she states that furniture is not the problem. Instead, she says, “design itself is the problem because it is being used to…

City as a platform

Two talks from the 2011 PSFK conference caught my attention:City as a platform (video) In her role as Chief Digital Officer for the City of New York, Rachel Sterne is tasked with strengthening the City’s digital media presence and streamlining…

Book: Make It So

Make It So: Interaction Design Lessons from Science Fiction A book in progress by Nathan Shedroff & Chris Noessel Publisher: Rosenfeld Media Anticipated publication date: 2012 Science fiction has remained a pastime for designers, instead of a valuable source of…