Category Research

UK foresight studies identify emerging trends over the next 50 years

Via the BBC I found out about the Sigma and Delta foresight scans, with nearly 250 papers that look ahead at developments over the next 50 years. The research was commissioned by the UK Office of Science and Innovation‘s Horizon…

Book: Mobile Communications and Society

Mobile Communication and Society: A Global Perspective Manuel Castells, Mireia Fernandez-Ardevol, Jack Linchuan Qiu and Araba Sey Published by the MIT Press How wireless technology is redefining the relationship of communication, technology, and society around the world–in everyday work and…

European Market Research Event – Day 2, morning

Due to travelling, it took me a few days to write up my summary of the Tuesday presentations at the European Market Research Event, but here we are. In this write-up I will concentrate on five speakers: James Surowiecki, Roula…