Category Cities & Infrastructure
Planning Portal – enabling transformational government
Planning Portal is not only a successful example of technology enablement in service delivery but could prove to be a tremendous asset for local authorities in their quest to develop and deliver citizen centric services, says eGov monitor. Just under…
C-Mine, creativity as a tool to transform a former Belgian mining area
Experientia talk: “Innovation in Museum Design” by Arch. Stephen Rustow
Real Time Rome: MIT reveals Rome’s live traffic info via mobile phones
MULE: reclaiming the city through pervasive play
Pooptopia, a pet waste removal urban game
Pooptopia, the Interaction-Ivrea graduation project of Aram Saroyan Armstrong, is a pet waste removal service/game that explores the interplay of service design and entertainment. A few days ago Régine Debatty summarised Pooptopia on her own blog we-make-money-not-art as follows: “Pooptopia…
Smart Cities 2020 [Metropolis Magazine]
Michigan Governor talks design and innovation [Business Week]
Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm tells Corporate Design Foundation Chairman Peter Lawrence about her plan to make the state the innovation capital of the U.S. At the very start of the interview, she outlines a user-centred vision of design: “To me,…
Berlin comes in from the cold [Financial Times]
Sixteen years after the Wall came down, the German capital looks like a mess: it’s virtually bankrupt, unemployment is rampant and the property market is dismal. To all intents the city is a failure – but its reborn creativity makes…
Creativity and design to transform a former coalmine area
The former coalmine area of Zollverein has become a symbol of structural change in the Ruhrgebiet of Germany. The large scale interventions taking place there are an example of how creative industries can become the engine of economic transformation. After…
Historic city of Bath to host wireless experiment [Reuters | CNN]
Britain’s historic city of Bath is to host an experiment in advanced wireless computer technology that could provide the blueprint for developing the world’s next generation of mobile phones and lap-tops. Called Cityware, the project will see 30 volunteers using…
Torino 2008 World Design Capital
The Olympics have barely started, but Torino is already looking ahead to its next venture: in 2008 it will become the first World Design Capital. At a prestigious and well-attended press conference today, an illustrous panel, consisting of Sergio Chiamparino,…
The future of UK transport in the next 50 years
We can either stumble into the future and just hope it turns out all right or we can try and shape it. A government thinktank charged with considering the future of UK transport in the next 50 years, just released…
Practice-based and user-driven innovation in small communities
Finnish designer Ulla-Maaria Mutanen (aka The HobbyPrincess) argues that small communities will have to radically change their innovation policy in the near future. This will include the moving from strictly institutional, business-oriented idea of innovation and competence development towards an…
Creative rural industries
What are the key design tasks facing the new post-agricultural rural economies and settlements? A conference in the UK in September will map out a new role for the arts and design in response to new social, environmental and…
Recent Design Council publications
This morning I interviewed Richard Eisermann, Director of Design & Innovation at the UK Design Council, and you will read more about that soon. He pointed me to a number of interesting Design Council publications. They are all available for…
Creativity and design as tools for regional innovation
Here are some links for those interested in the role of creativity and design as tools for innovation, especially in the context of regional development. Creative London: realising the economic potential of London’s creative industries London’s mayor commission on…
John Thackara lecture on solidarity economics & design: life after consumerism
Last week John Thackara, director of Doors of Perception and author of In the bubble: designing in a complex world, lectured at the RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) on Solidarity economics and design: life…
Creative brain drain in New York [International Herald Tribune]
They may not have the money of the hedge fund managers who line up at bonus time at the open houses for $5 million homes, and their numbers do not equal those of health care workers. But New York City’s…