Category Culture

Connected they write

Raquel Recuero (blog) is an associate professor at the Departments of Applied Linguistics and Social Communication in Universidade Católica de Pelotas (UCPel) in Brazil. Her research focuses on Internet social networks, virtual communities and computer mediated-communication in general, trying to…

Creating informal learning environments

In the field of exhibition design, the quality of User Experience makes the difference between success and failure. When designing exhibits for museums or science centers, exhibition designers consider interaction, experience, interface and, critically, environment. Cheryl Downes McCoy of Cooper…

Experientia’s framework for behavioural change towards sustainable lifestyles

Experientia partner Mark Vanderbeeken recently became one of Canvas8′s newest Thought Leaders, lending his insights and knowledge to the site’s growing archives of articles and interviews on cultural global trends. Canvas8 draws on the knowledge of recognised industry thought leaders…