- Business, Co-creation, Creativity, Design (general), Europe, Experience design, Experientia, HCD / UXD, Healthcare, Innovation, Internet of Things, Mark Vanderbeeken, Mobility, Participation, Prototype, Public services, Research, Service design, Technology (general), UserResearch
Category Culture
Living Labs conference in Belgium
Designing bosses get results [Financial Post, Canada]
Information Overload: We have met the Enemy and he is Us
Singapore Management University designing campus IT around the user
MBA in Design and Innovation Management
Business Week on the innovation workshops at the Royal College of Arts, London
Business Week interviews Nokia’s Jan Chipchase
UNESCO publishes survey on ethical implications of emerging technologies
Next step for games: social networking [San Jose Mercury News]
Doors of Perception taking on the global food crisis [Business Week]
Diane Brady of Business Week reports on The Doors of Perception conference in Delhi which focuses on applying design thinking to modern challenges in food, water and waste. “John Thackara is doggedly pragmatic. The British design guru likes nothing more…
Experiencing love in games [BBC]
Jan Chipchase of Nokia on delegating positive experiences
Sociology at Microsoft
MIT Media Lab Europe founder starts Distance Lab
New interface at the confessional
Where artists and inventors plot to save the world [The New York Times]
Nokia Research on new potentials for car sharing
Mobile communication, a professional social network for mobile society researchers
Social networking’s next phase [The New York Times]
Venture philanthropy fund uses design thinking and ethnography to help solve real-world problems [Business Week]
Billing itself as a nonprofit venture capital firm, the Acumen Fund uses the principles of design to solve the problems of the poor. Just as the Procter & Gambles and Motorolas of the corporate world conduct extensive ethnographic research on…