Category Experience design
“Value creation through experience” executive course
Jim Wicks on weaving design into Motorola’s fabric
Complexity causes 50% of product returns [Reuters]
Half of all malfunctioning products returned to stores by consumers are in full working order, but customers can’t figure out how to operate the devices, a scientist said on Monday. Product complaints and returns are often caused by poor design,…
The art of building a robot to love [The New York Times]
If robots can act in lots of ways, how do people want them to act, happy or sad, bubbly or cranky? Reporting on the recent conference on human-robot interaction in Salt Lake City, Henry Fountain of the New York Times…
Microsoft’s Windows Vista mainstraims user experience discourse
The Windows Vista campaign is very much centred on the concept of “user experience”: the Vista promotional website contains an “Experiences” section with a subsection on “User Experience” (currently not yet online). Also the “Features” section contains an extensive subsection…
Donald Norman awarded Benjamin Franklin medal for his work on user-centred design
Donald A. Norman of Northwestern University and the Nielsen Norman Group will be awarded the 2006 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Computer and Cognitive Science “for the development of the field of user-centered design, which utilizes our understanding of how people…
Better Connected 2006, a UK survey of local authority websites, shows mixed results [eGov Monitor]
Local authority internet services in the UK are showing signs of improvement, though the overall level of progress is slowing, a major survey reveals. The eighth annual Socitm Insight survey of local authority websites – Better Connected 2006 – also…
Interviews with Don Norman and Patrick Baudisch in Stanford magazine
The second issue of Ambidextrous Magazine, a project of the Stanford, features interviews with Don Norman and Patrick Baudisch. In a long interview with Bjoern Hartmann, Don Norman reveals that he is working on a new book with the…
Grocery checkout, Italian style
DIY checkout or self-scanning has long been called the next big thing in supermarkets, but perhaps because of the hellish line situation, Inferno-familiar Italians were quick to adopt them. Unicoop Firenze was the first Italian retailer to introduce self-scanning in…
Interview with Keith Instone on the User Experience Network
Live from Internet User Experience 2006, Tim Keirnan and Tom Brinck interview friend and fellow usability professional Keith Instone about his work with User Experience Network. “UXnet was formed to help make connections between the people and organisations that represent…
Interview with Adaptive Path founder Peter Merholz
NextD, the journal for “ReRethinking Design”, just published a very long interview with Peter Merholz, founding partner of Adaptive Path and the mind behind The interview by GK VanPatter, founding partner of NextD, Humantific and UnderstandingLab, covers such issues…
In California, new kind of commune for elderly [The New York Times]
They are unlikely revolutionaries. Bearing walkers and canes, a veritable Merck Manual of ailments among them, the 12 old friends — average age 80 — looked as though they should have been sitting down to a game of Scrabble, not…
User experience: the next step for IA’s?
At his keynote speech at the Italian IA Summit, Peter Boersma, senior experience designer for, argued that information architects are all user experience practitioners who practice IA from time to time. “Unless you have never done anything else than…
Classifying experiences
Sorting, Classifying, and Labeling Experiences … in order to understand all factors contributing to how a product (or service) is perceived While plenty of practitioners invoke the word ‘experiences’, how often are we talking about the same thing? From ‘user…
Interview with Larry Tesler, Yahoo!’s VP of user experience and design
The resume of Larry Tesler (Wikipedia article – personal site) reads like the history of interaction design. He worked at Xerox PARC and Apple, created and managed the usability group at Amazon, and is now vice president of user experience…
Gain, the relaunched AIGA journal of business and design
AIGA, the professional association for design, has just relaunched its Gain journal, dedicated to stimulating thinking at the intersection of design and business. The launch issue contains a huge amount of material (no less than 30 articles) organised in such…
What Ikea could teach Alitalia [Business Week]
Design Continuum CEO Gianfranco Zaccai imagines an airline that strives to provide an overwhelmingly positive customer experience I recently visited Boston’s new Ikea store with my two young children. A few days later, I flew to Italy on my usual…
Philips researcher provides cognitive science angle on experience economy
Mark Van Doorn of Philips Research published a short paper on the website of the European Centre for the Experience Economy, that provides a cognitive science angle on the experience economy. "Many views on the experience economy start with…
User-centred design becomes transformation design – updated
A new design discipline is emerging from groups across the world. It applies traditional design skills in a new way to social and economic issues. It uses the design process as a means for a wide range of disciplines and…