Category Interaction design

Designing for touch

Fingers and thumbs turn desktop conventions on their head. Interaction designer Josh Clark explains what you need to keep in mind when designing for mobile touchscreens and compares finger-friendly touch interfaces for iPhone, iPad and Android. “Great mobile designs do…

Interactions 12: Day Two

Vicky Teinaki and Louise Taylor continue their coverage of the Interactions conference in Dublin. In this long article, they report on the presentations by Jonas Löwgren (School of Arts & Communication at Malmö University), Scott Nazarian (frog), Ariel Waldman (,…

Interactions 12: Day One

Dublin – and even its Lord Mayor – welcomed a record 750 attendees to the opening of Interaction 12. The day would unfold with Hitchcock, healthcare, and hearing the question :what if?”. Vicky Teinaki and Louise Taylor report on the…

Affective computing

Chapter twelve of the resource is now available in preview. It deals with what HCI specialists call ‘affective computing’ and was written by Kristina Höök, professor in Human-Machine Interaction at Stockholm University. As Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Interaction Design…

Philosophy of interaction

Chapter eleven of the resource is now available in preview. It was written by Dag Svanaes, Professor at the Department of Computer and Information Science at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (and former professor at Interaction Design…

End-user development

Chapter ten of the resource is now available in preview and deals with end-user development. Computer users have rapidly increased in both number and diversity. They include managers, accountants, engineers, home makers, teachers, scientists, health care workers, insurance adjusters,…

Design for digital context (white paper)

Fjord, the digital design consultancy, has just completed a white paper called “Design for Context: Understanding How User Context is Evolving”, looking at the background to context-sensitive design and current approaches, as well as providing high-level design recommendations for using…