- Business, Co-creation, Creativity, Design (general), Europe, Experience design, Experientia, HCD / UXD, Healthcare, Innovation, Internet of Things, Mark Vanderbeeken, Mobility, Participation, Prototype, Public services, Research, Service design, Technology (general), UserResearch
Category Location
Living Labs conference in Belgium
Designing bosses get results [Financial Post, Canada]
Big brands turning to Big Brother [Daily Telegraph]
Cogito Ergo Nomics [The Truth About Cars]
When computers need human help [The International Herald Tribune]
How to improve it? Ask those who use it [The New York Times]
CNBC on the role of customers in business innovation
Singapore Management University designing campus IT around the user
MBA in Design and Innovation Management
Csikszentmihalyi starts doctoral programme on happiness
Bruce Nussbaum asks if designers are the enemy of design?
New York Times on interactive mirror in department store
Business Week on the innovation workshops at the Royal College of Arts, London
Usability consulting in Central and Eastern Europe
American Embassy in Rome reaches out via web to discuss innovation and creativity with young Italian entrepreneurs
NESTA launches £20m initiative to stimulate social innovation
New Songdo City, a living lab on ubiquitous computing in Korea
UK hosting provider imagines web in 2020
Qualitative research leads to new bicycle “for fun”
When Japanese bike part manufacturer Shimano set out to make a bicycle aimed at America’s dwindling group of casual bikers, they enlisted the help of design consultancy IDEO, and embarked on a qualitative research and design process that eventually lead…