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The new simplicity at Philips [Business Week]
Poverty-stricken Rwanda puts its faith and future into the wide wired world [The Guardian]
Rwanda’s Vision 2020 project aims to rapidly transform a depressed agricultural economy into one driven by information communications and technology (ICT). If it works, the percentage of Rwanda’s workforce involved in farming will drop from 90% to 50% in 15…
E-mail losing ground to IM, text messaging [Associated Press]
The brand underground [The New York Times]
Aging in the 21st century [The New York Times]
Espressamente, Illy’s cult coffee bar [Business Week]
Italian coffee maker Illy is out to conquer the “last frontier” – the coffee bar. By rolling out a global chain of licensed cafes called “Espressamente,” Illy intends not only to sell more of its high-quality coffee, but to purvey…