Category Methods
EU working towards eco-innovation for a sustainable future
ThinkCycle: open collaborative design
ThinkCycle is an academic, non-profit initiative, developed and operated by a group of doctoral students at the MIT Media Laboratory, engaged in supporting distributed collaboration towards design challenges among underserved communities and the environment. ThinkCycle seeks to create a culture…
Microsoft designs the school of the future [CNN]
Consumer Idealised Design: involving consumers in the product development process
Europe in 2020. Towards a new golden century, a silver century, and back to the middle ages
European vs. American mobile phone use
Veni, Vidi, Wiki [Wired News]
MEDX: Microsoft’s Mobile and Embedded Devices Experience design center [Seattle Post Intelligencer]
From designing for the elderly to designing for social inclusion
UPA usability journal focuses on international, cross-cultural aspects
Most of the articles in the fourth issue of the Journal of Usability Studies (a publication of the Usability Professionals’ Associaton) have a global flavor addressing issues of international, cross-cultural aspects of usability. The Journal of Usability Studies, published by…
A new report on service innovation
How computer gamers experience the game situation: a behavioral study
Presentation on how to apply corporate ethnography to web design
Execs who live with their consumers
In wiki, everyone helps, but where’s the profit? [International Herald Tribune]
Ars Electronica on simplicity
Too Much Information, an IBM research project [ACM Queue]
Book: The User Is Always Right
Berners-Lee calls for Web 2.0 calm [The Register]
Five years after the first internet bubble burst, we’re now witnessing the backlash against Web 2.0 and a plethora of me-too business plans, marketing pitches and analyst reports exploiting the nebulous phrase. Tim Berners-Lee, the individual credited with inventing the…