Category Methods

Ethnography: Caught between myths

Qualitative researchers in the commercial sphere often feel they can only do ‘ethnography light’. Isabella Simpson, senior research executive at Kantar Media, urges them to have more confidence, and challenges some of the myths surrounding the ethnographic approach. “Commercial ethnography,…

Book: Make It So

Make It So: Interaction Design Lessons from Science Fiction A book in progress by Nathan Shedroff & Chris Noessel Publisher: Rosenfeld Media Anticipated publication date: 2012 Science fiction has remained a pastime for designers, instead of a valuable source of…

Connected they write

Raquel Recuero (blog) is an associate professor at the Departments of Applied Linguistics and Social Communication in Universidade Católica de Pelotas (UCPel) in Brazil. Her research focuses on Internet social networks, virtual communities and computer mediated-communication in general, trying to…