Category Technology
Cinema 2.0 project in Turin
Indian lawmakers caught in Web 2.0 [India Times]
“The virtual (internet) network of people has always been a problem for [Indian] lawmakers,” reports Ritwik Donde in Infotech, an online technology news source of the India Times. “One of the problem with internet has been that it is impossible…
User experience at Oracle
Usability found wanting on web-only news sites [The Guardian]
Social networking for 9-year olds [Newsweek]
Envisioning the whole digital person [UX Matters]
Excellent feature article by Jonathan Follett in UX Matters: “Our lives are becoming increasingly digitised—from the ways we communicate, to our entertainment media, to our e-commerce transactions, to our online research. As storage becomes cheaper and data pipes become faster,…
Users who know too much [CIO Magazine]
Jan Chipchase of Nokia on understanding alternative scenarios for the future
The mash-up future of the web [BBC News]
Donald Norman’s new book: “The Design of Future Things”
Advanced programme of CHI 2007 available
The CHI 2007 organisers have published an “advanced programme” of the conference, which will take place 28 April – 3 May in San Jose, California. Some highlights: Opening plenary: “Reaching for the intuitive” by Bill MoggridgeBill will attempt to show…
Usability to the people
Videos of “Digital, Life, Design” conference online
High technology meets cultural anthropology: Dr Genevieve Bell
Young, mobile, but not yet online [The Times]
Internet users transformed into news reporters [AFP]
User research in a different world
MySpace faces stiff competition in Japan [AP]
Yuri Kageyama (blog), AP Business writer, reports: Visit Japan’s top social-networking site, the 8-million-strong “Mixi,” and you’ll see prim, organised columns and boxes of stamp-size photos – not the flashy text and teen-magazine-like layout of its American counterpart, The…