The cute factor [The New York Times]

Scientists who study the evolution of visual signaling have identified a wide and still expanding assortment of features and behaviors that make something look cute: bright forward-facing eyes set low on a big round face, a pair of big round ears, floppy limbs and a…

Google to launch its own PC

  According to the Register, Google is planning to provide an own-brand Windows-less PC and sell the low-cost system through a partnership with retail giant Wal-Mart. The machine and/or the sales deal could be announced as early as this coming Friday. Crucially, the rig is…

The experience of everyday things

On January 12 the symposium ‘The Experience of Everyday Things’ will explore how the human sciences can inspire, feed and provoke designers. Four speakers operating in the field between the human sciences and design – Donald Norman, Josephine Green, Henk Janssen (Indes) and Paul Hekkert…

User-driven innovation in Danish industry

FORA, a research and analysis division under the Danish Ministry for Economic and Business Affairs, has just issued three industry reports on user-driven innovation, and a general report summarising the results and recommendations. This final report recommends that better research and education in knowledge and…

John Thackara lecture on solidarity economics & design: life after consumerism

Last week John Thackara, director of Doors of Perception and author of In the bubble: designing in a complex world, lectured at the RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) on Solidarity economics and design: life after consumerism. The word ‘development’…

A hybrid approach of rapid user research and feature experimentation on the marketplace

Mike Kuniavsky, author of the book Observing the User Experience, was recently in Japan which inspired him to write a thoughtful reflection on the current value of user reseach, based on his observations there. “The Japanese classic Modernist “supply-driven” model means that a company produces…

Experience design terminology in other languages

What is the experience design terminology in other languages? Here are some equivalent expressions dealing with interface design, user experience, experience design, user-centred design and usability in six European languages: – Dutch: gebruikservaring, gebruiksvriendelijkheid, gebruiksgemak – Finnish: käyttöliittymäsuunnittelu, käyttäjäkokemus / käyttökokemus, kokemussuunnittelu, käytettävyys (thanks to…