

Ubicomp’s colonial impulse

Paul Dourish and Scott Mainwaring, the founders of the Intel funded Social Computing Research Center at UC Irvine, presented yesterday a paper at Ubicomp 2012 with the short but bombshell title “Ubicomp’s Colonial Impulse” (pdf). The abstract remains quite vague,…

Gestural interaction with data

The Ericsson UX Lab has been prototyping and testing gestural interaction solutions with data: “This spring we worked on how to visualise and interact with data. One issue that we focused a bit more on is that of interacting with…

The best interface is no interface

Golden Krishna of Cooper argues that it’s time for us to move beyond screen-based thinking. “Because when we think in screens, we design based upon a model that is inherently unnatural, inhumane, and has diminishing returns. It requires a great…