Category Innovation
Ethnographers uncover the ‘Unknown Unknowns’ about consumers [Advertising Age]
LEGO Serious Play: a tool to enhance innovation and business performance
Co-design, China and the commercialisation of the mobile user interface []
Philips enters Second Life to co-create with end users
Learning people-driven innovation at the 180º Academy
The website of the Danish 180º Academy, that I wrote about earlier, is now live. The organisers “believe in people-driven innovation, enabling [their] students to understand innovation from the point of view of everyday people. Accepting this fact, 180°academy turns…
Anthropological study leads to Xerox printing innovation [The New York Times]
Apple’s quest to put us at ease with technology [International Herald Tribune]
Thoughts on the impending death of information architecture
Steelcase on user-centred research and its impact upon the healing environment
Paul Gardien of Philips Design on the importance of meaning in technological innovation
Google 2.0 and its growing power [The Mercury News]
Interview with IDEO chief creative officer Jane Fulton Suri
European Market Research Event – Day 2, afternoon
Mike Spang, Kodak Mike Spang has the long job title: “Business Research Director, Document Imaging, Corporate Business Research, Eastman Kodak Company”. He spoke about how Kodak went about creating a satisfying global corporate web experience. To put it in somewhat…
European Market Research Event – Day 2, morning
Due to travelling, it took me a few days to write up my summary of the Tuesday presentations at the European Market Research Event, but here we are. In this write-up I will concentrate on five speakers: James Surowiecki, Roula…
France Telecom on disability and innovation
European Market Research Event – Day 1, afternoon
During the afternoon sessions of the European Market Research Event, I attended presentations by Clive Grinyer of France Telecom Orange, Sarah Pearson of ACB/University of Sussex and Francesco Cara of Nokia. There is also a short write-up of a talk…
European Market Research Event – Day 1, morning
Experientia interviews Anne Kirah, senior design anthropologist at Microsoft
Anne Kirah (bio) is senior design anthropologist at Microsoft’s MSN Customer Design Centre. In this interview, she talks on the importance of taking off your blinders and focusing on the real lives of real people. She discusses her work at…