Category Culture

Digital DIY

The Guardian reports on a study by an “exasperated academic” (Philip Ely, head of the business and community school at the University for the Creative Arts, and a doctoral researcher at the University of Surrey‘s Digital World Research Centre) on…

Measuring national happiness

Your Better Life Index is an interactive tool that allows you to see how countries perform according to the importance you give to each of 11 topics – housing, income, jobs, community, education, environment, governance, health, life satisfaction, safety and…

Experientia wins Italian National Prize for Innovation in Services

Experientia wins Italian National Prize for Innovation in Services, sponsored by the Italian government and Confcommercio. The President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, awards the prize.  Rome, Tuesday 14 June 2011 Today, the president of the Italian republic, Giorgio Napolitano,…

Experientia vince il Premio Nazionale per l’Innovazione nei Servizi

Experientia vince la terza edizione del Premio Nazionale per l’Innovazione nei Servizi, istituito dal Governo Italiano e Confcommercio-Imprese per l’Italia. Il Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano consegna il premio. Roma, martedì 14 giugno 2011 Oggi il Presidente della Repubblica Italiana…

City as a platform

Two talks from the 2011 PSFK conference caught my attention:City as a platform (video) In her role as Chief Digital Officer for the City of New York, Rachel Sterne is tasked with strengthening the City’s digital media presence and streamlining…