- AR / VR / Metaverse, Conference, Creativity, Educational services, Experience design, Foresight, HCD / UXD, Healthcare, Innovation, Participation, Play, Public services, Scenarios, Technology (general)
Category Experience design
The Serious Games Initiativew
Microsoft to let players design own games [The New York Times]
Socio-Digital Systems, a Microsoft research project
Searching for a mobile interface [BBC]
Future-making serious games
Experience Design: Principles and Practices
Putting People First official blogger of the European Market Research Event 2006
Book: The Necessity of Experience
The new simplicity at Philips [Business Week]
Talk to our customers? Are you crazy? [Fast Company]
Espressamente, Illy’s cult coffee bar [Business Week]
Italian coffee maker Illy is out to conquer the “last frontier” – the coffee bar. By rolling out a global chain of licensed cafes called “Espressamente,” Illy intends not only to sell more of its high-quality coffee, but to purvey…
Homo Conexus
Ruthless focus on the customer [Business Week]
New European interaction design institute
Brand experience in user experience design [UX Matters]
Saving the world, one video game at a time [New York Times]
Washers and dryers air messages to PCs, TVs, phones [Associated Press]
Former Experientia intern Janina Boesch wins 2006 Adobe Design Achievement Award
Don Norman’s case for activity-centred design
In a column written for Interactions Magazine, Donald Norman argues that human-centred designers should not just create clever taxonomies, but also task-onomies. “Many of the design tools used by the Human-Centered Design community lead to well-structured, carefully organized designs, often…