Category HCD / UXD
Handbook of Mobile Communications Studies
Handbook of Mobile Communication Studies Edited by James E. Katz Afterword by Manuel Castells MIT Press, 2008 Hardcover, 486 pages Abstract Mobile communication has become mainstream and even omnipresent. It is arguably the most successful and certainly the most rapidly…
UK report: User Involvement in Public Services
A few weeks ago the Public Administration Select Committee (PASC) of the UK Parliament published the first parliamentary assessment of the idea of “user involvement” in public services, which they see as “potentially a new model for public service delivery…
Putting People First is media partner of PICNIC 2008
Experientia/Putting People First has been invited to become a media partner of PICNIC 2008. Set up as a series of events – a top-class conference, seminars and workshops – PICNIC will be held in Amsterdam from 24 to 26 September…
Leading designers to new frontiers
Jeff Parks and Chris Baum of Boxes and Arrows sat down with several of the speakers and organisers of Adaptive Path’s San Francisco conference: MX San Francisco: Managing Experience through Creative Leadership, that took place on April 20-22. The result…
Design anthropology: What can it add to your design practice?
Design Anthropology takes user research to a whole new level. Dr. Elizabeth Tunstall explains in an essay on Adobe Design Center’s Think Tank how this emerging field can help to redefine design by exploring what it means to be human.…
Upcoming book on the “high end”
A few weeks ago we were contacted by Marco Bevolo of Philips Design who was looking for some advance feedback on the book he is writing together with co-authors Stefano Marzano (also Philips Design), Dr. Howard R. Moskowitz and Alex…
PSFK conference videos
PSFK is a global trends and innovation company that also organises conferences in various parts of the world. Videos of over forty presentations at these conferences are now online. My ten highlights: Allan Chochinov on the Dumbest Smartest Design Problem…
New Demos paper: UK Confidential
Demos, the UK think tank for “everyday democracy”, has published its latest pamphlet on privacy. “The transformation of our social lives and the increase in surveillance and technological innovations have led us to believe that privacy is in the midst…
Alcatel-Lucent podcasts on user trends and millennials
Podtech has published a number of audio interviews with senior staff of Alcatel-Lucent on their thinking about user-centric experience, as it informs their applications and solutions. Exploiting end-user trends to create value with sticky services – The “Me” network for…
Danish programme for user-driven innovation
The Danish programme for user-driven innovation (English summary) aims to strengthen the diffusion of methods for user-driven innovation, and to contribute to increased growth in the participating companies, and to increased user satisfaction and/or increased efficiency in participating public institutions.…
Core77 Broadcasts: Nokia Design
Nokia has over 300 designers worldwide, and ships over 1.2 million products everyday. So Allan Chochinov of Core77 was anxious to attend Nokia’s recent London design event, offering a curtainpeek at their design process, ethnographic wanderings, sustainability initiatives, and plans…
Changing the Change conference looks very promising
The three-day Changing the Change conference, which is about the role of design research in sustainable change and scheduled for 10-12 July in Turin, Italy, looks to become very interesting indeed. The list of invited speakers and discussants features Bill…
May/June edition of Interactions Magazine
The May/June issue of Interactions Magazine just came out and some of the content is available online (and more will follow soon). The issue is all about “colliding worlds” with “interactions disciplines” becoming “more appropriately integrated into other creative disciplines…
Design strategies for sustainable user behaviour
‘User-centred Design for Sustainable Behaviour’ is a paper by Renee Wever (TU Delft), Jasper van Kuijk (TU Delft) and Casper Boks (NTNU Norway) that explores how to involve users in more sustainable product use. The paper was published in the…
Microsoft’s Patient Journey Demonstrator
The Microsoft Health Common User Interface (CUI) is a site conceived by Microsoft providing user interface Design Guidance and Toolkit controls that address a wide range of patient safety concerns for healthcare organizations worldwide. Microsoft has created it in order…
Paper is passe for tech-savvy South Koreans
Reuters report on mobile coupons and gifts in South Korea: oung, tech-savvy South Koreans are making coupon clipping a thing of the past and turning to their mobile phones instead. Some of the fastest-growing mobile phone services in the country…
Our surveillance society goes online
The Guardian reviews a book that argues that our privacy is under threat by increased digital surveillance. Being able to make your own decisions and hold your own views without interference; controlling information about yourself; and being in charge of…
France Telecom: from 1000 ideas to 1 product
A series of web pages on the France Telecom/Orange site give an insight in how the company moves from the many ideas that come out of R&D, to a product or service that is ready for the market. In 2005-2006,…
Interview with Lou Rosenfeld and Liz Danzico
The May issue of UX matters contains an interview with Lou Rosenfeld and Liz Danzico of the publishing house Rosenfeld Media, a publisher of user experience design books. After working on five books as an editor or co-author, Lou Rosenfeld…