Category HCD / UXD
For better or worse, adults learn to say it with emoticons
Bill Gates on natural user interfaces
Web special on factors that make a city great
A large chunk of the latest issue of Monocle magazine on the 20 most liveable cities in the world is freely available via the International Herald Tribune. All the content is linked from the introductory article “Urban Manifesto: Factors that…
BMW’s car dealership cathedral
New York Times questions von Hippel by underlining value of top-down innovation approach
Information architecture island on Second Life
slow+design, examining the slow approach to design
Social scientists studying human interaction in online worlds
Former Experientia intern, designer on Pentagram Design project that just won prestigious IDEA award
Former Experientia intern Nina Boesch was the designer and programmer (under the creative lead of Lisa Strausfeld) on Pentagram Design‘s “Interactive model of Lower Manhattan” that just won an Industrial Design Excellence Award. Co-sponsored by BusinessWeek magazine and the Industrial…