Category HCD / UXD
A theatrical approach to experience design
Niklas Zennstroem on the importance of user experience
Kensington uses customer experience strategy to redesign peripherals
Mobile advertising: will there be a consumer backlash?
Index and AIGA team up on ‘social design’
Daily reporting from the UPA annual conference (3)
The human face of product development
Tom Shelley reports in Eureka magazine on the latest thinking in how to ensure that products truly fulfill customer needs and aspirations – and succeed in the marketplace. The story is largely based on an interview with Apala Lahiri Chavan,…
John Thackara on designing with people to address climate change
Daily reporting from the UPA annual conference (2)
Videos available of the IIT Institute of Design Strategy Conference
Spanish translation of engageID interview with Mark Vanderbeeken
Somebody seems to have a lot of time on his hands but we don’t complain. Luis López Toledo, a Chilean industrial designer, just posted a Spanish translation of a rather lengthy interview with Experientia partner Mark Vanderbeeken, originally published in…
Philips moves into the lifestyle game
The Economist features work by Swisscom anthropologist Stefana Broadbent
Experientia takes on leading role in UXnet, the global user experience network
Mark Vanderbeeken, senior partner of Experientia and the driving force behind the experience design blog Putting People First, has taken on the role of communications director of UXnet, the global user experience network. In his new function, which is on…