Category Service design

Engineering a brighter future

Alice Rawsthorn, design critic of The New York Times, reports on Loops, an experimental project created by Participle, the British social design group, that aims to help young people to become more confident, ambitious and resourceful. “[Hilary] Cottam [, co-founder…

Videos of IIT Design Research Conference

Videos of the recent IIT Design Research Conference are currently being uploaded. Here is the list of the presentations (alphabetical by speaker’s last name), with video links (where available): Tim Brown | IDEO (conference bio) We’re all design researchers now…

BeAware – Boosting Energy Awareness

BeAware, an EU-supported research project, has created a solution to motivate and empower citizens to become active energy consumers, by offering them the opportunity to raise awareness of their own power consumption in real time. Energy Life includes a mobile…

Service Design Thinks

Nick Marsh has been organising several service design ‘Thinks’ events in London: ‘Service Design at Scale’ (November 2009) and ‘Service Design from Scratch’ (March 2010). Service Design at Scale featured presentations by Steven Baker, about the design of the M-Pesa…